As soon as we walked in I saw that the chalkboard special was Eggs Benedict!We had to wait a few minutes for a booth to open up as the restaurant was full when we got there. We had brought A's friend L with us because she was down visiting from Ft. Mac, so we needed room for three. Browsing through the menu I didn't see Eggs Benedict on it. A and I got coffee and I asked the waitress if Eggs Benedict is a regular menu item to which she informed us that it is only available on weekends and holidays. Hooray for Saturday!
I ordered the Eggs Benedict, soft poached, (obviously). A got bacon, eggs, hasbrowns, and toast and L ordered French toast and bacon. I was happy with the presentation of the benny when it came:
I kinda wished I had gotten the fruit cup after I saw another diner at another table had chosen that, however I thought the potatoes were good.
Now the moment of truth: the first bite.
While the fat sauce didn't have a whole lot of flavour, I thought the texture was nice and there was a good amount of it (although I did reach for the ketchup for my potatoes after the benny was gone). I think the meat on this benny was kinda chewy and it didn't impress me. Luckily I don't usually eat benny for the meat (unless it's salmon or something different than the regular bacon or ham, I wouldn't usually comment much on it). This meat was no different. The eggs were cooked almost as soft as I like... the yolks were runny and that's all that really matters. Both A and L had a bite of my benny. L said she didn't care for it and she had never tasted a benny before. A thought last week's benny was better and that the fat sauce didn't have much flavour.
Conclusion: While this Benny didn't wow me, I think it was still quite delicious and worth the $10 I paid, however I'm not sure the coffee was worth $2.50. I don't think I've found the BEST benny EVER just yet...
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Cool blog, Benny's are my fave. Room service Eggs Benedict with a tangy light hollandaise sauce and fingerling potatoes are a must and the best around! That is unless you are the Marriot in Amsterdam and the restaurant there which the name escapes at the moment, had the ABSOLUTE BEST eggs benedict with the simplest freshest hollandaise but on top of that these guys had the best BLT sandwich that was almost creamy and soft yet firmly toasted with a refreshing mayonnaise. YUM!!