This Denny's is in Sherwood Park, AB (44-975 Broadmore Blvd).
The reviews for this Denny's on Google+ are really bad. Granted there are only 3, but each one is horrible. Our experience wasn't that bad. It was Sunday afternoon, so the place was packed. They had a young guy making balloon animals for the kids, which I thought was awesome.
I ordered Classic Eggs Benedict, soft poached. It looked good when it came, even though my stomach turned in protest because it was still recovering from the night before... The hollandaise sauce, or "fat sauce" as A has taught me to call it, was typical chain restaurant sauce: kinda thick and yellow with a skin on the top from sitting under the heat lamps on the pass through from the kitchen.
Unfortunately, I wasn't surprised when I cut into the eggs and found the yolks to be cooked all the way through. This is what I think happens when Eggs Benedict sits on the pass through and the heat from the lamps continues to cook the eggs... Or maybe they were hard already at that point. The actual flavour of this breakfast was pretty good. I like my sauce a bit thick and Denny's usually gives you a good helping of Fat Sauce. There was enough ham to satisfy me, for me it's just added protein as I'm all about the eggs and sauce!
I think if I were to return to this Denny's it would not be on a Sunday. People are pretty particular about their breakfast and I think serving staff tends to be a bit more on edge during peak hours in places like this.
Conclusion: While the Classic Eggs Benedict at Denny's in Sherwood Park is edible and satisfying when you are hungover from a night out partying, I don't think this first blog review is where we find the BEST Eggs Benedict EVER.

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